The February 2010 issue of Simple Magazine posed a simple question to their readers; What is the Most Surprising Thing About Love?
People had many answers, like how love takes on many forms from spouse to child. How much better it feels as you age to love rather than just looking to feel loved.
One woman wrote that after 15 years, she and her husband still reach out to each other with sappy "I miss you calls" even when they see each other every day.
Many of the comments centered on marriage. One writer reflected on the fact that after 20 years of marriage, during many of which she thought she would bail if things got too rough, she now realizes just how much she values what she and her husband have built together.
The winner for the month was Laurie Ciulla. Here was her answer:
"I had no idea what was going to happen when the 'I can't get enough of you' phase ended. I thought nothing could compare. Truth is, I wouldn't trade the intimacy, trust, and comfort of being with my husband for over 15 years for anything. It does get better, deeper, and more significant."
Sounds like a winning answer to me too.
So, how would you answer that question? What is the most surprising thing in your dating/engaged/ or married relationship?
Blog and let us hear from you!