I will never forget the day that I walked into a local grocery store and spotted my husband standing close to the check-out. I ran to him and planted a big kiss on his lips. As onlookers watched, he pushed me away and loudly said,
"I am sorry Ma'am, I am a married man!"
I desperately tried to save myself and said, "What do you mean, I'm your wife?"
With a straight face he said even more firmly, “Ma'am I am sorry but I am a married man!”
“What?” I said, as he watched me squirm and turn five shades of red.
Then, a wide grin spread across his face and we both broke into laughter.
Although this happened ten years ago, this memory still brings a smile to my face. Humor can add life to your marriage, but when relationships are struggling this may seem difficult to do. However, don't wait for your spouse to make the first move. You make the first move. If it doesn't work the first time, don't give up. Try again, your laughter will become contagious and will set the tone for your relationship.
Medical research shows that laughter is beneficial to you physically, emotionally and relationally. It has been found that laughter releases chemicals in your brain which stimulates your immune system. Laughter reduces stress and tension, lowers your blood pressure, helps you to put your life into perspective, and produces a general sense of well being that lifts your spirits. The findings on laughter go as far back as the book of Proverbs. Proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 says, "A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry."
When was the last time you and your spouse enjoyed a healthy dose of laughter? Like yawning, laughter is contagious and it’s free. Start looking for ways to bring laughter into your marriage. If you need a jump start, we suggest Mark Gungor’s seminar, “Laugh Your Way to A Better Marriage.” You can attend a live seminar or experience this seminar on DVD, in the comfort of your own home.
There are a lot of comedians that make people laugh, and there area lot of speakers who give people really good information, but "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage” does both. It is a HILARIOUS look at life, love and marriage. You will laugh and learn as Mark takes you on the journey of how to understand men and women, with titles like:
"Tale of Two Brains"
"How to Stay Married and NOT Kill Anybody""Why Does He/She Do That?"
"The #1 Key to Incredible Sex!"
To order: Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage DVD.
To see if the live seminar is coming to your area go to http://www.laughyourway.com/.