Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Frog, A Princess, A Dad and YOU

posted by Michele Olson

Have you seen the latest Disney movie “The Princess and the Frog?” If you have a young lady in your home about the right age, you probably have seen it…and didn’t have a choice!
Roland C. Warren, writing in the Washington Times had a great article recently about this very movie. But there’s more to his thinking. He points out that "A good father helps his daughter find her prince without kissing all the frogs." We can all agree, there are a lot of frogs out there! (And yes, some not “so ‘princesssy’ people too.)

The press has talked a lot about the fact that this is Disney’s first black princess. There are many young ladies in the African American community who are not living a fairy tale, but instead are part of the story that reflects a low marriage rate and high out-of-wedlock birthrate.

Those facts makes this next point from Mr. Warren even more interesting. He lets us know that Disney is actually working with the National Fatherhood Initiative to market the movie to dads and their families. That’s pretty refreshing! Mr. Warren himself is president of the National Fatherhood Initiative

Want a real life example of someone not created on a computer? He tells the story of our own first lady, Michelle Obama…and the father who made such a difference in her life.

What’s your story? We’d love to hear from Dad’s who are doing the day to day work of being a great dad to a daughter. What advice do you have for our readers? Or are you a daughter who knows your life is better because of your Dad?

Blog away!

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