With the "Big" holiday of Valentines day coming up on Feb. 14th, most people won't realize that another celebration is taking place from Feb. 7th -Feb. 14th...It's National Marriage Week!
In honor of this wonderful week, we at the Foundation for a Great Marriage are celebrating in a unique way on Feb. 9th. We've put together 1,000 Love letter kits to hand out. Each kit will contain stationery, a stamped envelope, a pen and tips on writing a love letter.
So, what will be the results of 1,000 PLUS love letters going out into the universe?
We're hoping we won't have to guess! We want everyone who writes a love letter to blog back some results of what happened when you sent your love letter!
When was the last time you wrote a love letter to your spouse, especially if you aren't newlyweds? We're all pretty good about signing the word "love" at the end of a greeting card that has the sentiment "I'm sure I don't say it enough", but that doesn't quite go far enough in really getting out some heartfelt thoughts.
We fall closer to the old story about the lady who complained that her spouse never told her that she loved him. When asked why he replied "I told her once, and if anything changes, I'll let her know! "
So what about you? Even if you aren't getting a kit...can we count on you to join the celebration and send a letter?
It's really quite simple. Find a quiet place, and take a moment to clear your thoughts. Put on some of your favorite music, put a picture of your loved one in front of you and start to write.
To truly make it a special letter, write about all the things you cherish about your loved one. Add your personality...do you like to doodle...or write rhymes? Does a verse or chorus of a song come to mind? Add it in! Really express yourself in a new and fresh way.
Can love letters change the world? We think they can. Best of all, they can change your world with your loved one.
And, they can change you.
On Feb. 9th send a love letter and then tell us the stories of what happens.
We'd love to hear from you!
P.S...Send this blog to all your friends so they send love letters on Feb. 9th...we're counting on you!
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