Harry Smith on the CBS Morning show interviewed a couple recently who had an interesting story. They had been married ten years before children, and once kids came, found themselves losing each other. With all the changes, they felt they had become someone they didn't recognize as a couple.
Brad Wieners and Mary Ashley decided to team up on a multi sport adventure race across New Zealand to recharge their marriage. Brad has written about their unusual experience in Men's Journal Magazine, on news stands now. While Brad had considered himself an athlete at some point, Mary did not have any background in training of this type. In fact when she realized that the event meant 21 miles over a mountain for her and 42 miles in a kayak for him, plus mountain biking when they didn't even own a bike...she thought it was a crazy idea.
They decided to do it together to tackle a new challenge and found that as their ability to do this through training progressed, so did their ability to change and be there for each other. As a team, neither wanted to let the other down...so they kept going. This had nothing to do with children, only about them being a strong team. It's a great analogy for marriage.
Relationship expert Heide Banks commented about the basis of their success; intention. With strong intention you can do anything.
It's a good question to ask ourselves; how strong is my intention to have a strong healthy marriage? What am I willing to do to act on that intention?
Here are the details on the race if you'd like to take that path. If that is not for you, why not consider healthy relationship and marriage education through workshops in your area or online?
Making sure you have our free Marriage Myth Buster Guide is also a good intentional way to start.
What would be your dream to tackle as a couple?