Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Love Note Habit

Posted by Michele Olson

By the end of this week...hopefully you'll be in some kind of love note habit! While you may not write a love note every day after this week, it is important to be your special someone's biggest cheerleader! In fact in a recent UCLA study it's even more important to be happy for your mate when things are going good ...than when they are not. The study found that couples who respond "energetically and positively" to one another's successes, by say for example...leaving a "Way to go" love note...report feeling happier with each other than those whose responses are more low key. So why not use this week to let your loved one know that when they see a little love note...they are about to feel great!

Love note seed ideas for this week....

Feb. 10th This is the You Remind Me Of….note:
Examples: You remind me of the first time I see a spring Robin. You remind me of how happy I am on Christmas morning. You remind me of sitting with my toes in a pond on a hot summer day. You remind me of that first wonderful sip of Cola after a long bike ride.

Feb. 11th
This is the When We Are Apart I Miss…note:
Examples: When we are apart I miss the sound of your voice. When we are apart I think about how much I can’t wait to see you again. When we are apart life is just not as sunny.

Feb. 12th
This is quote from your favorite song note:
Examples: Oh baby, I love your way. or B-b-b-baby you just ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Or I want to hold your hand… or any song quote you want!

What happened when you left a love note?

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